T-shirt !!!!!
I love T-shirts, easy and simple. Just put it on to our body and with any jeans or pants ur ready to go. Some big-size people think t-shirts can cover up the shape, especially black color one.
So convenient right? coz most of us think the t-shirt is the simple to wear ever. But..do u know not all t-shirts are suited for u? Yes, the different is a shape,size, colour, or even pattern.
For someone into fashion soul or even for L-XXXL ladies u still can look good in T-shirt if u wear matching accessories such as a long necklace, bangle and shoes too. So if you want to look simple and rugged choose a long sleeve one ,try to wear it with long torn jeans or skinny color jeans
Torn jeans
Find a matching sneaker or flat if u wear colorful jeans
Heal's suit for skinny / torn jeans
Any color big t-shirt and wear it as 1 off shoulder
Dark color skinny jeans
Or better for ur comfortable i suggest:-
For me less is better, my choice of the day is:-Blue round neck T-shirt and low waist jeans

So convenient right? coz most of us think the t-shirt is the simple to wear ever. But..do u know not all t-shirts are suited for u? Yes, the different is a shape,size, colour, or even pattern.
For someone into fashion soul or even for L-XXXL ladies u still can look good in T-shirt if u wear matching accessories such as a long necklace, bangle and shoes too. So if you want to look simple and rugged choose a long sleeve one ,try to wear it with long torn jeans or skinny color jeans
Long sleeve T-shirt
color skinny jeans
Find a matching sneaker or flat if u wear colorful jeans
Heal's suit for skinny / torn jeans
Silver bangle's
Or long necklace
Don't wear accessories too many, just one of it.But how to look elegant with T-shirt? try this
Puffy short sleeve T-shirt
Khaki pants
Black heals
Victorian long neclace
But how suddenly ur boss or client call u for an urgent meeting while ur in T-shirt? can T-shirts turn to formal wear?
The tips is
Hope ur always prepare it in ur car :) If any urgent meeting or meet-up formal just grab it ....
And for someone in L- XXL size don't worry u still look good in T-shirt if ur dare ...... :P try this :Any color big t-shirt and wear it as 1 off shoulder
Dark color skinny jeans
Or better for ur comfortable i suggest:-
double long necklace
and I suggest wedges...
So even with just a t-shirt but u still can look good right? But if ur have free time why not u just modified ur old t-shirt by yourself? here is the video that I just found on youtube. Saving more money rather buy new 1 :D
Try it out ok!
Long necklace and sneaker...:)
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